Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Or Broken. You'll need iTunes to listen to this: Broken Social Scene- Capture the Flag. I picked this song, and this band, for a lot of reasons. I think the band name accurately describes what's happened to my group of friends. I won't name names, since that's....not nice.....but, while a lot of what has happened is good, there are now basic "incompatibilities" that prevent me from hanging out with everybody I'd like to hand out with (at the same time.) And the song choice is my ironic application to life. The entire Broken Social Scene album, You Forgot It In People is tremendously good.

Work update- took apart another xerox machine today. Except this one could not be sledehammered, so we (four other guys; Keith, Dan, Greg, and Timmy + me) had to dismantle the thing. It easily weighed over three hundred pounds when we first started, and, five hours later, with only the frame and wiring remaining in one piece, it still had about a hundred pounds on it. Good cheer for getting to sledgehammer the top photocopier piece (easily the heaviest part) once we finally managed to lift it into the dumpster. So that's my explanation for sounding like somebody left for dead on the phone.

Blog update- there may be some major editorial changes around here in the next few days. I'm thinking about picking up another blogger. Yeah. Big stuff. And I will be camping for the next four days in upstate New York, so there won't be any updates till Tuesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate you.

8:34 PM, July 01, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

Well, I don't hate you. I wasn't talking only about your incompatibility. I have no blame for anybody.....I am just forlorn that I can't plan on seeing all of my friends at one time.

In fact, the first "incompatibility" that came to mind when I was writing it was not you, but Rich. I couldn't imagine everybody meshing.

I meant it for more than one person when I said I try to rise above being a terrible friend. Don't be a stranger now.

9:54 PM, July 01, 2005

Blogger TheIronPirate said...

Haha. Taking a sledgehammer to a photocopier, a very office space moment. I wish I was there. By the way, are you gonna make it on the rafting trip?

4:28 PM, July 04, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

I am back.

No Tim.....I am saving money for the Europe trip next year. Hope you guys have fun!

5:27 PM, July 05, 2005

Blogger TheIronPirate said...

>=P.... In the meantime, check out my sketch of Link on my blog.

2:17 PM, July 07, 2005


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