Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Blast From The Past

Let's take a spin in the time machine- say, January '05. Good time to be alive. It was the last time I mentioned this song.... it's by Self, another band that I know nothing about. Their style is all over the place, from pseudo-R&B back to singer/songwriter "poems" and all-good Indie Rock goodness all over the place. True to the new wave of rockers out there, all of Self's B-Side albums are available for download at their site. There is a ton of music there. Anyway, the song is Self- Let's Pretend We're Married and it's one of those songs where you're not sure if you like it...and then you get to the monologue...and you realize you'll be listening to it again. And again. Repeat becomes your friend.

Edit- OK, I realize that's a ton of Self songs to wade through. May I also recommend the pseudo-pop song, Self- Anything Is Impossible. And now I remember the circumstances in which I found Self- one day, an exceptionally bored me went online and began searching for music. I was making a list at the time of CD's that I wanted. I stumbled across several "Best of 2004" lists from bloggers; Self was mentioned in one of them. That led to me finding their site, downloading all the free stuff to my iPod, and spending a completely random day in the city listening to their songs. If you listen to more than a couple of songs from Feels Like Breakin' Shit, you'll know exactly how weird that day was.


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