Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I'm Not Scott

Some girl has called me nearly every day for the past two weeks. She started calling me around Christmas. I do remember Christmas Day, I got three phone calls from her within five minutes. I remember I was shocked- I was in South Carolina, and some random person was calling me with an 845 area code...maybe they knew me! But no- every time she calls, she asks for Scott. Every time but one, I have politely responded that I am not Scott. But not today. The second time she called me today (and the fifth in two days) I was in the middle of carrying a very heavy 1950's esque washer out of the old house and into a dumpster. I was hoping it was somebody else. But when it turned out to be "Random Girl," asking for Scott, I just said: "You know, this is getting a little ridiculous. I am not, have not been, and will never be Scott! Stop calling me!"

I'm not Scott. Please stop calling me. If it happens one more time, I'm going to add you to my cell phone as "RandomGirl." And then six months of payback harassment will begin. I think I'll change the names up on you, so that you won't get as depressed as I get everytime I see your number. But don't be surprised if every day, somebody's calling you to ask if Stephanie, Julie, or Andrea is home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

scott! scott!

may i please speak to scott..i mean james?

<3 haha

12:12 AM, June 25, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait a minute.. this isn't scott??
i thought that scott was the indie kid!!
who the hell are you???

12:13 AM, June 25, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

No! This is Scott. I've been getting all these calls for some guy named James, and I'm about to snap! You two need to help me track down whoever this caller is....I don't know if this is somebody's bad idea of a joke, but it's not funny. :)

12:48 AM, June 25, 2005


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