Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Still Waiting...

And while I do that, I listen to Goh Nakamura. I can't remember for the life of me where or when I first heard about him, and I know it was at a time when he had songs available for download from his site. Alas, that time is no more! But you can listen to his album here so you might want to head over there right now. Take special care to listen to "Alphabet Song" and "Natalie Portman." The former is a....love song....using all the letters of the alphabet to start each verse. The latter is (you guessed it!) a funny little song about said actress from Star Wars fame. Pay close attention to the words.

First of all, I love the "the recording studio is my room in New York City" sound that he has, and the fact that he has all these cool overlays that come in at different parts of the song. That's what really hooked me. I hear that he has thousands of effects pedals that he uses, so that when he performs live he's just a stomp away from sounding just as good as his recordings. Sweet.

Edit- Klaus mentioned the hilarious antics of Jon Stewart. Watch this clip (In Internet Explorer; my version of Firefox, at least, gags on it.) Stewart is consistently the funniest commentator on TV. Check out this link for an even funnier commentary on Michael Jackson's acquital. I love it.

Edit Edit- I forgot. I start work tomorrow. I hear that the work lineup is, shall we say, very sparse, and I plan on capitalizing on my free time. So, even if it's for no good reason at all, call me. I'll be up at seven, done by five.....8-4 are now my official visiting hours!

In other news, a fond farewell to Timmy Walsh as he sets out on a trip that I took two years ago, a freshman myself. He'll be biking 200 miles through New Hampshire; good luck Timmy! Also, today I was able to see what the barber was doing to my hair for the first time in nine years. Random, I know, but then I never thought it'd happen, so it's a milestone to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude,

Goh peeking in here- glad you dig the tunes!

If you're curious about what happens at a live show, I have some live bootlegs up here:


Rock on Indiekid,


3:30 PM, June 23, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:02 PM, June 23, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

Aha, got it working again.

Thanks for stopping by Goh, I admit that I never thought for a second that anybody outside of my circle of friends would ever find this. Thanks for the link as well, I'm downloading those videos right now!

5:11 PM, June 23, 2005


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