Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


A good friend of mine has set up her own blog here: check out Petite Fille Française's
ramblings on the French Revolution; I'll also add it to my links.

Currently already in residence on my sidebar is the great BlastRadius blog, and Fluxblog, where a lot of great discussions go on, both about music and life; Klaus' blog is run by a good friend of mine, and also contains some great observations.

I'm currently listening to: Better Than Ezra- "One More Murder," and I like it. I hear they have a new ablum out. If I can scrounge up some cash, I'll get that and blog about it.


Blogger Klaus said...

I popped over and posted a comment on her blog, looks like it will be an interesting place to visit! Would you guys like me to link to yours on Klausblog? I know you wanted to wait til you had things going, J...

11:28 PM, June 07, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

Yup Klaus, I would appreciate if you would do that, I'm ready now and I know she is. Hopefully between the three of us getting viewers we can start getting some consistent folllowers.

4:55 AM, June 08, 2005

Blogger Klaus said...

Done and done...

3:19 PM, June 08, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

Thanks Klaus!

As an interesting story today, when our homeroom rep found out today that a guy was running for Senior Class President unopposed, he tried to storm out of homeroom yelling "Vive la Resistance!" He's in my french class, but I'm pretty sure those're the first french words he's ever spoken. I thought you'd find it funny.....

4:55 PM, June 08, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well its interesting...can't say much more, can't say much less.

8:17 PM, June 08, 2005


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