Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

...that second thing

I should probably clarify at this point what I wrote yesterday so I don't look like a complete idiot- she who knows, so to speak, seems to be out of my reach. And I'm not really wasting time thinking about it: what comes around will come around. I don't really know her either, as I now realize. And amidst this confusion, there may be somebody else interested in me. So I've been doing a lot of re-evaluating of my emotions. And listening to a lot of music.

So let's lay down some ground rules. What kind of music does a confused teenage male listen to (even when not confused)? For inspiration, there's nothing like the old time music of Goldfinger. (whom apperantly have a new album out; as soon as I buy that I'll review it) Songs like "If Only" and "Superman" are uplifting, and not only in the "dude, I was rocking out to Tony Hawk ProSkater on the N64 with that song!" kind of way.

Goldfinger is a great way to begin outlining what I love in music- yes, I love the new, un-cut stuff that shines with potential- but any music with
energy appeals to me. Goldfinger's music is driven by electric guitar and those speed-punk drum beats. But that's only the obvious case. I mean, you have your head-thrashingly good rock music, but then you have more subtle music that is just as good, if not as frenetic.

Something more in the lines of the "Indy" me points out Saturday Looks Good to Me's song "When the Party Ends." With each seperate set of verses (and the enjoyable "party music" interlude) the song picks up its pace. I'm not sure whether it would be politically correct to call it picking up tempo. But it gets more enjoyable as it goes along, and that, to me, is energy. If you enjoy that song, you can read more about SLGtM here. Aha- my first recommendation.

And back to the (slightly more) mainstream music of bands like Arcade Fire and Guster- they have climaxal moments in their songs; but the build-up to these moments is equally enjoyable, and sometimes quite slow. To be specific, "Come Downstairs and Say Hello," for Guster, and "Une année sans lumière" for Arcade Fire.

Energy. Yeah. Maybe next time I'll have made enough generelizations about my music that I can begin reviewing some of it.


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