Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

And so it begins....

Right. Before we start rolling here, I'll take a moment to present myself. Or maybe two.

As my profile says, I was born in Ridgewood, New Jersey. For whatever the reasons may be, my parents decided to move to New York when I was seven. That was nearly ten years ago now. Two years ago, my musical barricades were shoved open when I received a ton of music from my friend Timothy's older brother, Chris. Over the summer, I bought an iPod; in addition to Chris' music, I was rapidly forming my own opinions about music, and the only way to listen to all the new CDs I was getting was with a hard-drive based media player. Having all my music on hand, in portable form, has been a godsend for me.

That's the long-story short. And I am trying to keep this short. So, on to the title of my blog. One of my various online friends runs a Dungeons & Dragons email game- I sent him a short summary of who I'd like to be, and he sent me information about my character; now I tell him what I'd like my character to be doing based on the information he sends me, and I drive my story forward. He loves to write, so he gets satisfaction from interweaving the storylines of all the people for whom he runs the game, and I get satisfaction at being able to watch my fantasy character develop based on my actions. I'd never played D&D before this, but have always loved fantasy, so these emails are a boon to me. And what about Jamirus, you ask? That's....me. No, not my name, though it does come close. Once upon a time though, my friends and I played a Gameboy RPG called "Dragon Warrior Monsters." My favorite character in the game was Jamirus. Whenever I went online, I always registered myself at places as "Jamirus99"....the name itself became a part of me.

That settles that. So what do you- the reader- do with me? Follow me through life, I suppose, as I review music and eagerly uncover new gems. Follow me through life as I question myself and everybody else. For example: what do you do when you like a girl, and she knows because you told her, but neither of you have spoken seriously since? I don't know....stick with me as I find that out, and so much more.


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