Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Allie Andressini
Originally uploaded by TheIndieKid.
A post about my life? Sure. Just got back from Vinnie's party (pictures are up on the Flickr already; oddly enough, some of them already have views. Photoblog stalkers!) and I'm happy to say, I had a blast! The only thing I wish I had done more of was take pictures- me being the first one in the pool, me being pushed in later with my clothes on, the crazy good dancing that occurred when Billy Joel came on, and other moments all went uncaptured. Ah well. Oh, and an update on the silliness of my first post: I just don't care anymore. It'd be really cool, but it's not happening, and I've got too much else on my hands trying any more. Besides, what's fun about a relationship when it's all one person? And as far as too much else on my hands....I'm confused. I learned something several weeks ago that hit me like a ton of bricks. When I know what's happening for certain, I might be even more cryptic. Keep in mind that the better I am, the more cryptic I am. For the few people who think they know what I'm talking about: call me. We'll talk. (And Doug laughs.)

For your musical pleasure, try this. I have no idea who Popular Genius is. Or if they've covered anything else besides Guster. But, besides from the random "Barrel of a Gun" screamo thing they throw in, this is a great little medley of some of Guster's best, performed by an extremely talented bunch. Hell, I like the super-hick version of "Jesus" to Guster's "I'm kind of a hick," way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey look! its a picture of me!

ps: way to spell my name wrong.

12:03 PM, June 20, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

If that spelling is wrong, then I actually spelled it wrong twice. I already corrected it once, according to Mr. Yanns, but I swear that's not my fault; I made the original spelling error b/c I was tired after coming home from Vinnie's. I swear. :P

12:11 PM, June 20, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

simone, we'll talk later! hey now! that is some high-quality chuckling you got goin there!

9:55 PM, June 26, 2005


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