Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Monday, June 27, 2005

The Chin-Up Bar

The Chin-Up Bar
Originally uploaded by TheIndieKid.
I'm the kind of guy who does 75 crunches a set.....and does that set, along with varying amounts of push-ups and chin-ups and anything else I can think of, many times a day. Sometimes I do more....for kicks. I thoroughly deny this activity in public, but it's true. I also drink Gatorade before I go to bed. Just in case I lost electrolytes.

I'm the kind of guy, who, when presented with water in a restuarant, must gulp down that water. Must finish that water, must make sure no trace of it ever existed, before the waiter comes back. (Matt Hietrich, or however you spell your name: I will beat you one day at this)

I'm the kind of guy who means what he says, but doesn't always say what he means. I blame The Hardy Boys.

I'm the kind of guy who only lies when saying that I'm a compulsive liar.

I'm the kind of guy who reverse-engineers what everybody says. If I'm told it can't be done- I'll do it. If I'm encouraged to do something, my inspiration wanes and I dread the task at hand.

I'm the kind of guy who thinks fast, hears slow. Speak clearly on the phone, I'm still learning.


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