Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Things Were Different Back In The Day....

1920's Dog Repellent
Originally uploaded by TheIndieKid.
Kids were beaten by the good nuns. Boys got cars. Girls got dolls. Men were men. And dogs were.....running wild, destroying gardens and terrorizing humanity? In a classic "wtf" moment, I uncovered this bottle of dog repellent in the basement of the old house while clearing it out today. The caption reads: "New Liquid Chaperone Spray Dog Repellent" and then "STOP Dogs Ruining Your Garden." Finally, the green words at the bottom read "America's Finest Dog Repellent." Alrighty then. Of course, that last line implies that there were other dog repellents out on the market. This is about the time that I start viewing my grandparents with suspicion.

Work was great today. There's nothing like tooling around in the truck with Keith and Dan collecting trash, only to realize that it's raining, and it's raining hard! At the time, we had all the trash bagged and in the back of the truck. We drive up to the dumpster, count down, dash out of the car, and in less than fifteen seconds flat empty around twenty bags of trash into the dumpster. All while screaming our heads off as the skies pound us mercilessly, thunder thickens the air, and lightning flashes.

I'm not going to say I've been listening to this a lot. But Richard Cheese, a kind of psuedo jazz comedian, has a new album out. Listen to his montage.....the cover of "American Idiot" is particularly hilarious, and worth the entire CD, Apertif For Destruction. Yeah, Richard Cheese and Dog Repellent. Run 'a while you can, monkey-boy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dick cheese. he slays me.
his cd, "i'd like a virgin" was the soundtrack of onstage last summer.

11:10 PM, June 29, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

am i the only person who doesnt really like dick cheese?
i mean some of his songs are mildly amusing, but thats about it.

11:55 PM, June 30, 2005

Blogger TheIndieKid said...

Well, I only like some songs too- "American Idiot" is hilarious, but his cover of "Somebody Told Me" (The Killers) is terrible. I imagine a CD named I'd Like a Virgin would be very funny though.

Off to work, adios!

6:20 AM, July 01, 2005


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