Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Well. I didn't expect to be gone this long. But if getting home was hard enough, so was waiting two hours without internet and a dinner break to post. Basically- the pics will be up on the flickr later. As for right now, let me just say, camping was great. Seeing Timmy and Greg (again, the little brothers of wayfaring Chris, my musical benefactor) was great. Timmy brought me back an Indian silver necklace from India, which was really cool. I'm going to have a hard time topping that gift.

And getting away from it all had its perks. Not being called was not one of them, but ok. Two good friends of mine have died in the last two weeks- as they were gaming buddies, I can't say I knew a lot about them. But they were the finest, most respectful, coolest people I knew online, and their absence is something that is going to take a little getting used to....being offline for a few days gave me some time to get myself together.

Without a doubt, Guster- (Nothing But) Flowers was the hit of the trip. Thankfully, between Timmy and I, we had three live versions of it to choose from, so there was plenty of variety. As this is a song that Guster covers, rather than has written, it's funny that I like it so much, but if I've heard this song a thousand times, the only times I've really liked it were the times when I heard Guster playing it. I'm lucky to have seen these guys live: they started out as a trio from Massachusetts, gained a fourth while touring, and have four solid albums under their belt...with a fifth on the way in September! Do yourself a favor and give them a listen- you can download a ton of their live shows here and the quality is actually quite good.

I hope everybody had a great 4th, watched some quality fireworks and whatnot.


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