Out of the Loudspeaker. Musings on music and life.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Real Lunch

If the country music genre were put on its head and spun like a top around on a folding table with a map of music in general lying on it, and that top were to stop on the Indie music genre, the musical offspring of the top and of the map would generally resemble the genius found here:

Real Lunch

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Day Before

The Exchange's Purevolume Site

The Exchange's new album, The Day Before is out. There are two new songs on their Purevolume site, along with a re-recording of Aperture that sounds amazing and is also included on the record. The 5 tracks that made up the wholesome goodness of the Aperture EP will never be forgotten, but in this sophomore attempt, Derek, Joey, and Jorge have only surpassed their previous efforts. Every track is a hit: weighing in at ten songs ("Tale of Old" and "Aperture" are the only old songs; these were re-recorded because the band was upset by how they came out on the EP) and clocking in at 41 minutes, it's one non-stop Let's-make-Indie-good-again album.

Here's some notes on the tracks (I don't want to give everything away, so just notes)

1. A Window Seat- It's a song about a man with a photographic memory, which may or may not be a shout-out to the theme of the EP. It's a very good start to the album.
2. Progress- Great drum intro, great piano solo. Pop-rock at its best.

3. Sleeping City- Wintery slumber conjectures. It's beautiful.

4. In Summary- It kind of reminds me of a "20 years after Anna Lee" remiscence. Joey sings down an octave, which is new.

5. Goodnight- It can't be compared to Folds' "Lullabye" because it's a completely different kind of song....but I like it more.

6. Tale of Old- Wow. Re-recorded, and amazing. Now I finally understand why Jorge never liked the version on Aperture, and why it's such a crowd favorite at concerts. Truly the "Legend" of our time.

7. Orange- Joey reminds me of Ben Gibbard, voice-wise, when he starts this song. Not that that's a bad thing....and the song is genius.

8. Aperture- again, re-done and re-done well. It's less whimsical and more....well....just more. It has more substance.

9. Poor Man's Blanket- It took me a while to notice what was different; then I realized that the song has an acoustic guitar in it. Yes, that's right: this song not only has an acoustic guitar in it, the songs starts with it! My favorite song on the album, and not only for its novelty.

10. A Ceiling Fan- A very well-done closer. Probably not something they would close with live, but it ends the album with a satisfied sigh.

I'm really in awe of this album. I give it 5 stars, 10/10. The way each song flows into the next one (sans the jerkiness that accompanies other artist's attempts at this, like Green Day's Holiday-Boulevard transition) is amazing. This band, these guys, have something special.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Morningwood....Is a Terrible Name For A Band

Seriously now, that's just some bad frazology.

Nth Degree- Morningwood

Bad band names aside, this song is fantastic. I know the whole "spelling" thing is certainly past its Indie prime, but I forgive all trespasses against me here, as this song is just so well put together. There's no much else to say about it, because lyrically it isn't breaking any new territory...but listen and enjoy.